General Educational Goals
From 12 months to 4 years, children develop so rapidly that it’s easy to lose track of their progress.
It’s important to remember to adjust our educational goals accordingly.
Build a Sense of Security
Begin Basic Communication Starting with Sign Language
Encourage Early Independence
Introduce Sensory Art Exploration
Encourage a Love for Music and Movement
Build Autonomy
Promote OCCI (Order, Concentration, Coordination, Independence)
Enhance Practical Life Skills
Boost Bilingual Development
Support Emotional Development
Initiate Social Interaction
Encourage Creative Expression
Introduce Literacy Skills (Alphabet, Spelling, Reading & Writing)
Explore Early Math Concepts
Enhance Curiosity and Thinking Skills
Nurture Emerging Leadership
Foster Artistic Skills
Our Educational Approach
Transition periods are often the most challenging, but they also provide the greatest opportunity to build trust with our toddlers. At Firefly Family Montessori, we are dedicated to helping each child feel relaxed and enjoy their school experience. As they begin to settle in, we step back to observe how they interact with their environment, which is designed to be both enriching and liberating.
Through careful, scientific observation, we identify each child's strengths and areas for growth. This insight allows us to develop a comprehensive evaluation that covers 11 major categories and approximately 100 subcategories. Using this detailed assessment, we collaborate with parents to establish tailored educational goals and strategies to support their child's development.
Throughout the school year, we continuously monitor the child's progress and make adjustments as needed. At the end of the year, we conduct a follow-up evaluation to measure progress and determine whether the goals we set have been achieved.
Our Successful Stories
Nurturing Toddlers with Love and Professionalism
From Non-verbal to Bilingual Speakers
We guided two 2-year-olds from silence, each for different reasons, to bilingual fluency, employing varied and tailored strategies!
ps, a child from an English-only family even spoke Chinese in her dreams!
From Rough to Gentle and Kind
A 2-year-old who started at our school with tendencies of self-harm and aggression towards others has remarkably transformed into a gentle and kind individual!
From Distracted to Concentrated
A 2.5-year-old who initially couldn't finish even a short book due to constant distraction has significantly improved her concentration and has even started reading books by herself.
From Cries to Command
A 3-year-old who initially joined our school and frequently cried out for her mother every five minutes, has progressively settled in and emerged as a leader among their peers!
From Shy to Self-Assured
A 2-year-old, who arrived at our school extremely shy and often tugged at his ears when anxious, has grown confident and now assertively stands up for himself when necessary!
From "Not Working"
to "I Did It!"
A toddler who repeatedly said "not working" and avoided challenges now eagerly tries new tasks, persevering until he can exclaim, "I did it!"
FireflyFM is now an AMS member school!